What is Server Name Indication (SNI)? Difference between SNI and SANs

What is SNI?

Server Name Indication (SNI) is one of those essential technologies in web hosting and web security. Suppose you are visiting a site, how would it be if before the content showed up, there is a handshake already happening between your browser and the server behind the scene?

SNI is an extension to the TLS protocol, allowing multiple SSL certificates to be managed on a single IP address. It’s like a receptionist waiting for a person to arrive and telling them which company they are visiting so that they can redirect them to the correct office.

This becomes very important in a world where websites multiply by minute.

What Is a Server Name?

The Server Name is the name of a website; it identifies a website uniquely. In some descriptions, it is a website’s digital address. When you type a URL into your browser, that’s one way to tell your browser which server you want to talk to.

A server name is a part of the URL, such as “www.example.com,” that lets the server know which website you want to access among the many it is hosting.

Features of SNI

Multiple Certificates on One IP:

SNI allows various SSL certificates for different websites to coexist on a single IP address. This becomes cost-efficient and effective in shared hosting environments.

Enhanced Security:

It ensures that the correct SSL certificate of each website is enabled, hence securing the link and protecting critical data.


As more and more websites are established daily, SNI makes it easier to work with a ballooning number of SSL certificates without requiring a unique IP address for each site.

Compatibility with Browsers:

SNI is supported by most of the browsers used in the modern world, which makes it very user-friendly today.

Why Use SNI?

Cost-efficient Solution:

In a traditional way of doing things, each SSL certificate requires a separate IP address. SNI allows many certificates to share the setup of one IP address, saving billions of money.

For example, secure small businesses can save money when the businesses are using shared servers to host secure websites.


Using the correct SSL certificate to offer a site avoids a situation where the user is sent to the wrong site, which would be a perfect recipe for insecurity breaching.

Think of a user who will be looking to access the site for their bank, but instead, the user gets sent to a fake site. SNI makes it possible for one to get to the correct site securely.

Growth and Flexibility:

SNI provides a way to contain SSL certificates innovatively. Therefore, one can host many secure websites mindlessly if the number of required sites increases.

For example, an SNI allows a web hosting company to host hundreds of websites on one single server securely.

For Example:

Think of a large apartment building where a lot of people live. Then imagine that instead of one key for the entire building, all those people own footwork keys to the building, SNI uses one key for every resident, and the building knows that the tenant (website) in question gets visited. Everything is secure and very efficient.

What is a Hostname?

The hostname is a label assigned to a device connected to a computer network, uniquely identifying a particular device in the network, which is used for distinguishing such a device from other devices.

Most often, when entering an address on the Internet, a hostname will be a part of the URL to be entered for website access as a result of making a human-readable domain name become an IP address through the Domain Name System.

For instance, in a URL such as `https://www.example.com`, “www.example.com” is the host. If you type this URL into your web browser, DNS servers will convert it into the IP address that your computer will use to establish a connection with the web server that hosts the website.

What’s a Virtual Hostname?

A virtual hostname or a virtual host allows hosting multiple host names on a single physical server, each appearing as a distinct server. This is usually applied in web hosting to carry out several websites on a single server without increasing hardware.

Types of virtual hosting can be grouped under two primary categorizations:

Name-Based Virtual Hosting:

This is a method through which multiple host names can be served from one IP address; for example, `www.example1.com` and `www.example2.com`—from the same server using just one IP address.

IP-Based Virtual Hosting:

It hosts each hostname on an individual IP address. This solution isn’t widely used due to the deficiency in IP addresses, but there are situations where it is used along with SSL/TLS encryption.


Imagine a web hosting company with three sites: `www.site1.com`, `www.site2.com`, and `www.site3.com`. The three share one server, and share operation costs are reduced using virtual hosting.

Which Browsers Have SNI Support?

Server Name Indication is the extension of the TLS protocol: it allows a server to have several certificates for SSL on one IP address and TCP port number, hence allowing multiple HTTPS websites on a single IP address.

SNI is supported by most of the modern web browsers:

1. Google Chrome: Supported since version 6.0 (2010).

2. Mozilla Firefox: Supported since version 2.0 (2006).

3. Microsoft Edge: Supported since its first release.

4. Apple Safari: Supported from version 3.0 in 2007 on macOS and iOS.

5. Opera: Supported since version 8.0 (2005).

6. Internet Explorer: Supported since version 7.0 on Windows Vista and later.

For example:

Suppose you run several secure websites off of one machine, e.g., `secure.example1.com` and `secure.example2.com`. Modern browsers with SNI support will allow your server to present proper SSL certificates for each site, making a secure connection without needing one IP per site.

Understanding hostnames, virtual hostnames, particularly SNI, will enable you to serve multiple websites from one server and secure them properly, thus creating a clean and safe browsing environment.

Advantages of Server Name Indication (SNI)

  • Hosting Multiple SSL Certificates on One IP Address: It allows hosting multiple SSL certificates on a single IP address, making it cost-effective and convenient for hosting companies or service providers.
  • Cost Efficiency: SNI will allow a single IP address to host multiple domains, hence ensuring less incurring cost with additional IP addresses, which usually amount to a significant portion of the expense, mostly in environments with an extensive number of domains.
  • Increased Security: Each domain has its own SSL certificate, thereby securing it and ensuring that each site stays current with the latest and greatest encryption standards and protocols.
  • Scalability: SNI is scalable because people can scale up their web services without many descriptions to assign new IP addresses for each new domain. This is very useful for cloud services and extensive hosting environments.
  • Compatibility: Nearly all modern browsers and devices have SNI compatibility, which may be used on many machines. The same characteristic ensures that users with such modern platforms will securely access websites based on SNI.
  • Simplified Configuration: Because SNI allows resolving many domains with a single IP address, it results in a simplified server configuration and, therefore, less complexity in managing multiple IP addresses for different domains.

Cons of SNI

  • Compatibility with Older Devices: Many old internet devices, such as PCs and smartphones, may not be compatible with server name indication, thus reducing the efficiency of using this technology.
  • Initial Handshake Overhead: During the first SSL handshake, the server will have to match the hostname with the proper certificate, which will generate some performance overhead compared to non-SNI configurations.
  • Limited to TLS: SNI is limited to Transport Layer Security (TLS) and unavailable for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). It is not a problem in practice, as SSL has been deprecated.
  • Sharing of IP Addresses: The sharing thus ensures a benefit while creating problems, including rate limiting and reputation problems, should one of the domains on the shared IP address be involved in malicious activity.
  • Relies on Server Configuration: SNI can only be handled correctly if the server is properly configured. Misconfigurations can bring up security holes or break the reachability of your service entirely.
  • Mixed Content Issues: If the website has mixed content, domains load insecure and secure elements as part of their connection. In such instances, using SNI may not resolve the issues related to the insecure loading of elements from different domains.

What Does the TLS SNI Extension Do?

The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Server Name Indication (SNI) extension is integral to the TLS protocol. It allows a client to indicate the hostname to which it tries to connect during the initial handshake.

This becomes most significant when the server has multiple domains (virtual hosting) on one IP address. Here is how it works:

When the client wants to establish a secure connection, it sends a “ClientHello” message to start the TLS handshake. The SNI extension sends the hostname the client wants the server to possess.

The server can use the SNI information to pick the right certificate for the hostname mentioned by the client, enabling the server to present the correct certificate when hosting multiple domains.

What Is Encrypted SNI (ESNI)?

ESNI has been developed to increase the level of privacy afforded by the standard SNI extension. In regular SNI, the hostname sent in the handshake is plaintext and can be easily intercepted by anyone sniffing your network.

ESNI is meant to hide this information through SNI encryption, guaranteeing that only an intended client and the server can read it.

It encrypts the SNI field with a public key sent by the server, making it unintelligible to parties other than the server. This way, transit intermediaries and passers-by, including your network provider and a possible attacker, do not get to know precisely which hostname the client is trying to connect to.

How does Server Name Indication Work in TLS?

To explain the theory, one would proceed roughly as follows:

  • ClientHello Containing SNI: Let’s assume a client would like to connect to www.example.com. It shall send a “ClientHello” which includes the SNI extension that would indicate the hostname www.example.com.
  • ServerHello and Certificate Selection: The server receives the “ClientHello” and parses for the SNI. In this example, it finds it is in possession of the host www.example.com and selects the right certificate for that hostname. It will reply to the client with a “ServerHello” plus the selected certificate.
  • Secure Connection Establishment: The TLS handshake can now proceed, and key material is exchanged to create a secure connection between the client and www.example.com.

Example Walkthrough Let’s look at a more detailed example:

Without SNI Let’s say a server hosts two websites: www.siteA.com and www.siteB.com. Both sites share the same single IP address. Client A wishes to connect to www.siteA.com.

Since SNI doesn’t send the hostname in plaintext without having established a secure connection yet, the server has no idea what the client wants until it sends a certificate.

The server may default to sending the certificate for www.siteA.com, which is fine for Client A. If Client B wants to connect to www.siteB.com, the server may send the certificate for www.siteA.com, leading to a certificate mismatch error.

With SNI Client A sends a “ClientHello” with SNI of www.siteA.com. The server will then see the SNI for www.siteA.com and send the appropriate certificate. Client B sends a “ClientHello” with SNI of www.siteB.com. The server will then see the SNI for www.siteB.com and send the appropriate certificate.

Example with Encrypted SNI

A client sends an encrypted SNI in the “ClientHello.” The encrypted SNI makes the hostname opaque, so intermediaries cannot read it. The server decrypts SNI with its private key and responds to the other end with a relevant certificate.

Difference between SNI and SANs

FeatureSNI (Server Name Indication)SANs (Subject Alternative Names)
DefinitionSNI is an extension of the TLS protocol that allows the hosting of multiple SSL certificates on a single IP address.SSL certificates use X.509 certificates that can have a specification called SANs. These specifications will allow a single certificate to secure multiple domain names.
Primary Use Case  This feature use case allows hosting multiple SSL certificates issued to many different domain names on the same IP address and port.This use case allows just one SSL certificate to secure many domain names, many IP addresses, or many subdomains.
Configuration ComplexitySNIs need to be included in server configuration to implement.Need to specify additional domains when obtaining the certificate.
Server Compatibility  Works in most modern web servers, such as Apache and Nginx.All Certificate Authorities can work with these.
Client CompatibilityWorks with most modern browsers and clients.All clients and browsers can support it.
Performance  Performance might drop a bit, as it involves a few extra steps on the TLS handshake that it will not when SNI is not in place.No effect on performance.
ScalabilityThis, for every individual domain, one certificate is issued, which makes renewal and management quite easier.The purpose of this is to secure multiple domain names and subdomains or IP addresses through a single certificate.
Certificate Management  The feature allows multiple SSL-enabled websites to be hosted on one server without using multiple IP addresses.This aims to secure multiple domain names and subdomains or IP addresses through a single certificate.
Implementation Layer:Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocolX.509 certificates.


Server Name Indication (SNI) and Subject Alternative Names (SANs) are the most critical technologies in modern hosting and web security. It allows hosting multiple SSL certificates on one IP, which overcomes the cost-efficiency and scalability limitations. 

By that token, SANs secure various domains in one certificate, easing management. It behooves the interested parties to understand the feature use case and compatibility of all this technology to host the web securely and, as importantly, efficiently.

Safeguarding this growing internet for the rest of safe, scalable web interactions with trust is critical.

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